Stranger things season 2 episode 1 sad song
Stranger things season 2 episode 1 sad song

stranger things season 2 episode 1 sad song


With the conspiracy in full swing, government agents get a whiff that El, or Jane as her real name is revealed to be, is living with Mike. Swiftly following up on the mysterious body, Hopper exposes it to be a dummy. It's upsetting, to say the least, for the boys, but they, like Hopper, suspect foul play. The town's search leads to the local reservoir, where state troopers rescue a child's body from the water.

stranger things season 2 episode 1 sad song

He flicks the Christmas decorations on and off to correspond with letters Joyce has etched onto their living room wall, cementing in her mind that he's still alive.

stranger things season 2 episode 1 sad song

Will communicates from the Upside DownĬhristmas lights have never been more essential than when Will uses them to somehow communicate from the Upside Down with Joyce Byers, his ever-crazed-seeming mom. It drags Barb away to the Upside Down, a frightening alternate dimension steeped in constant midnight hues. Occupied by Steve Harrington and his immaculate quiff, Nancy fails to notice her best friend's violent abduction by what is dubbed a Demogorgon, essentially a Guillermo del Toro Pale Man with a venus flytrap for a head. While a frantic Will's mom and the Hawkins Police Department Chief Jim Hopper - who himself suffered the bereavement of his daughter to cancer - lead the search for Will, Nancy Wheeler, Mike's older sister, and her best friend Barb nip out to a pool party at Nancy's boyfriend's house. They nickname her Eleven or El, after the number mysteriously tattooed on her arm, and Will secretly provides her sanctuary in his parents' basement. Using that power to evade capture by generic government agents, she ends up meeting the boys mid-search for Will in the woods. While a town-wide search for Will ensues, we meet a young, near-mute girl with an unmissable shaved head, hospital gown and, oh yes, the ability to move objects with her mind. Will's disappearance kicks off the odd events that leave the small town battered and bruised for years to come. However, one night, when the crew part ways, the smallest, Will, is attacked by a shadowy monster that's far worse than those found in their dice-rolling game.

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  • Stranger things season 2 episode 1 sad song